Posted on 3/23/2022

Air conditioning is a must when it comes to spring and summer driving in Tampa, FL. And most of us take it for granted until we can't feel the cool air blowing anymore. With spring in full swing, now is the perfect time to have your A/C checked by professional mechanics. Otherwise, it could suffer from one of these problems later on this season. Common A/C Problems Refrigerant Leak - Refrigerant, also known as freon, is the cooling factor for the air. A leak of this stuff is one of the most common ways a car A/C stops working. Often, it bleeds out of seals or hoses that have worn down over time. The experts at our shop can pinpoint the leak, patch it up, and top you off on freon so that you can be on your way. Broken Compressor - The compressor in your car's air conditioning system makes sure the air and freon are circulated. A common reason for this component to go bad is going too long without using the A/C. Blocked Condenser - The condenser is what allows t ... read more