Posted on 3/30/2023

A very useful and important thing to have in your car is an emergency kit. Whether for small patch-ups or big car accidents, it can help you quite a lot. There are even some life saving items in the kit, like an epinephrine pen. But what exactly should you put in there, and how often should you restock? To help you decide, we have put together a short list of must-have emergency kit items that should be carried with you even on your shortest trips and drives. Two Epinephrine Pen An epinephrine pen is used in cases of an allergic reaction and relieves it for a short period. It can save lives, and that's a fact, but why two? The reason for carrying two is to make sure you have a reserve in case one of them fails. Even if you are not allergic to anything, make sure to get two or more just so you are ready for everything. Bandages Bandages of all shapes and sizes are welcome in your emergency kit. They can come in handy for a lot of things, so make ... read more